First Grade

First grade teachers

The language arts curriculum includes objectives that support students' development in the skills of reading, writing, and oral language. These skills are developed through direct instruction, modeling by teachers, and guided practice. Teachers plan a balance of learning experiences, which build upon oral language and include phonemic awareness and phonics. Both fiction and nonfiction materials are used

In mathematics, first-grade students gain a sense of number by counting, grouping, comparing, and estimating quantities to 100. They develop concepts of addition and subtraction as well as strategies for remembering facts to ten; estimate and measure using nonstandard units and identify and name two-dimensional shapes. First graders collect, count, sort, display, and compare data; identify patterns; find simple function rules; and find missing parts in part-whole situations, using concrete materials.

The Science Program of Studies is a hands-on or experiential curriculum and space, life, and physical science concepts. Students develop a solid base of science knowledge, apply learned knowledge to solve problems, communicate information, use experimental design, and make connections to science in our everyday world. The program materials include activity-centered units, science trade books, and specific websites correlated to each science unit.

Social studies instruction incorporates the four strands of history, geography, civics, and economics. Students learn how family life and communities change over time. They study individuals who have made significant contributions to the United States and its history. They learn about national holidays and the people or deeds associated with those holidays. Students also explore various cultural traditions and celebrations.

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