2023-2024: School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

Complete ESSER School Funding Plans

2023-2024: SIIP At-a-Glance

  • 2023-2024 | McNair Elementary School | Region 5Elizabeth Watson, Principal

Reading by 3rd Grade

Outcome: By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we will see a 5% increase in the amount of English Language Learners (53%) and Students with Disabilities (49%) who will meet grade-level benchmark as measured by the iReady (Gr. 1-2) and PALS (K).

Strategy 1: Increase use of WIDA tools and rubrics to support language development (HLP 1-4).

Action 1: Increase the intentional use of scaffolds, supports, and extensions in whole group settings.

Action 2: ESOL teachers will facilitate professional learning in Collaborative Learning Teams each month that support students in the classroom with discourse.

Strategy 2: Increase impact of tier 2 interventions for students demonstrating risk by using FCPS-recommended programs and practices with fidelity (e.g., Lexia, UFLI). (HLP 5)

Action 1: Provide a separate 30 minute intervention block to support ALL students daily.

Action 2: Implement "5 Minute Check-Ins" for Lexia at CLTs twice per month.

Action 3: Increase the use of regular formative assessments to plan instruction and monitor progress for students demonstrating risk every six weeks.

Strategy 3: Expand use of conversation structures to increase academic talk and build relationships among students. (HLP 1, 3)

Action 1: ESOL teachers will facilitate professional learning in Collaborative Learning Teams each month that support students in the classroom with discourse.

Action 2: Plan monthly for meaningful and intentional discourse throughout academic and social times of the day (i.e. Interactive Read Alouds, Skillstreaming, etc.) in order to implement high-quality instruction daily

Action 3: Increase focus on purposeful reflection during Closing Circle daily.


Outcome: By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we will see a 5% increase in the amount of English Language Learners (46%) and Students with Disabilities (49%) who meet grade level benchmark as measured by the iReady (Gr. 1-2) and EMAS (K).

Strategy 1: Schedule ESOL teacher push-in ELD instruction during math instructional time.

Action 1: Teachers will engage in a professional development opportunity around co-teaching strategies, with bimonthly check-ins to support co-teaching teams.

Action 2: ESOL Teachers will provide learning opportunities around oral language acquisition skills and strategies during Collaborative Team Meetings monthly.

Action 3: Grade level teams and instructional leadership team will develop math workshop look-fors to support instructional walk-throughs.

Strategy 2: Increase systems of support during the school day, after school and summer to help students achieve success in mathematics.

Action 1: Utilize MTSS structures to support students' growth in mathematics as needed weekly during MTSS meetings, after common assessments, during six-week intervention check-ins, and quarterly. 

Action 2: Develop a system of collective responsibility to grow a system of daily intervention for students across the grade-level. 

Strategy 3: Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Action 1: Prioritize AVMR training and implementation across classrooms in grades k-2.

Action 2: Use ongoing and regular assessment data to inform classroom instruction and intervention decisions on a weekly basis.

Action 3: Utilize Ready, Set, Math for effective and responsive math intervention on a daily basis.

Chronic Absenteeism

Outcome: By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we will see a 16% increase in the amount of students falling in Tier 1 for absenteeism, increasing from 69% to 85%.

Strategy 1: Strengthening messaging to staff, students and families around attendance to school. Each stakeholder should be able to understand how daily attendance matters, not only for academic success, but because school offers an opportunity to develop social and emotional skills such as listening, paying attention, problem-solving and self-regulation, all which are needed to grow and learn.

Action 1: Increase opportunities for personalized early attendance outreach.

Action 2: Provide weekly communication to all families around the importance of attendance.

Action 3: Increase family engagement through multiple opportunities for attendance at school events (i.e. Parent Coffees, Curriculum Nights, PTA meetings, etc.)

Strategy 2: Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support.

Action 1:  Hold regular Wellness Team meetings with a greater focus on school-wide attendance.

Action 2:  Biweekly analysis of attendance data by the Wellness Team to initiate follow-up communication and supports with family, staff, and other stakeholders.

Action 3: Administration and/or Attendance Officers will hold in-person meetings with caregivers who have students with planned, expected, and/or extensive absences.

Strategy 3: Understand root causes of student absenteeism.  Strengthen programmatic responses to attendance barriers.

Action 1: Biweekly analysis of attendance data by the Wellness Team to initiate follow-up communication and supports with family, staff, and other stakeholders.

Action 2: Administration and/or Attendance Officers will hold in-person meetings with caregivers who have students with planned, expected, and/or extensive absences.

Action 3: Create a partnership with McNair Upper School to make plans to support families around absences with students attending both schools.

Background: All Fairfax County schools are also required to complete an access and opportunity goal as part of their School Innovation and Improvement Plan (SIIP) and can also capture additional goals.  These are shown below.